How Do Optical Illusions Trick Your Brain?

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Your Brain Fills in Gaps – The brain predicts missing details, making you see things that aren’t really there!

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Light & Shadows Play Tricks – Shadows affect depth perception, making objects appear larger, smaller, or even moving!

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Color Can Change Perception – Colors can create afterimages, contrast effects, and illusions like the famous “blue or gold dress”!

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Your Brain Loves Patterns – The brain detects familiar shapes in random images, like seeing faces in clouds!

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Motion Illusions Confuse You – Static images can appear to move due to how your brain processes edges and contrasts! 

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Depth & Perspective Tricks – Your brain uses perspective cues, making two equal-sized objects appear different!

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The Brain Processes Too Fast – Optical illusions exploit the brain’s speed, causing it to misinterpret what it sees!

source: google

Also Read: Select Why Do Some People Have Photographic Memory?

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