The Strangest Stars in the Universe

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Lucy, a white dwarf star, is made mostly of crystallized carbon, essentially a giant cosmic diamond! 

Diamond Star!

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Some binary stars steal mass from their companions, growing larger while the other shrinks!

Vampire Stars!

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Some stars explode as supernovae but mysteriously survive, continuing to burn in a bizarre second life!

Zombie Stars!

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Theoretical stars made of dark matter might have existed in the early universe, powered by mysterious unknown forces!

Dark Stars!

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These neutron stars have insanely strong magnetic fields—trillions of times stronger than Earth’s! 


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Some stars move at millions of miles per hour, ejected from galaxies by black holes!

Hypervelocity Stars!

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Hypothetical giant stars from the early universe, powered by black holes at their core! 


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Also Read: What If Earth Had Rings Like Saturn?

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