Credit : Pinterest
Skipping Meals Helps You Lose Weight – Skipping meals slows metabolism and leads to overeating later. Balanced meals are key!
Carbs Are the Enemy – Not all carbs are bad! Whole grains, fruits, and veggies provide essential nutrients and energy.
Fat-Free Foods Are Better – Many fat-free foods have added sugar and preservatives. Healthy fats like avocado and nuts are great for you!
Crash Diets Work Long-Term – Quick weight loss diets often lead to gaining the weight back. Sustainable changes are the way to go!
You Need to Exercise for Hours – Even short, intense workouts can be just as effective as long ones. Consistency matters more!
Late-Night Eating Causes Weight Gain – It’s not about the time, but the total calories you consume during the day.
Drinking Detox Teas Burns Fat – Detox teas mostly just make you lose water weight. Real fat loss comes from diet and exercise!
Credit : Pinterest